About JPR
JPR is a law firm with enterprising and specialised lawyers, working mainly for businesses in the Netherlands. We work as in-house lawyers or as specialists, with efficient work processes, realistic rates, and predictable costs. And, above all, with attention to the client and insight into what motivates you.
Discover JPR advocaten
General information
JPR Advocaten Coöperatief U.A.
Chamber of Commerce no.: 52410021
VAT no.: NL850432108B01
The Netherlands Bar
All lawyers working at JPR are members of The Netherlands Bar (Nederlandse orde van advocaten, NOvA):
Prinses Beatrixlaan 5
2595 AK The Hague
T: 070 – 3353535

Our goal is to serve you as well and as fully as possible. Nevertheless, it is possible that the way in which you are treated by your lawyer, the handling of a case, or a matter related to an invoice can cause you to feel dissatisfied.
In these situations, we refer to our Complaints Regulations. An ombudsman (never the lawyer handling your case) will handle your complaint and try to solve the issue or advise you on how to proceed. The acting lawyer is obliged to provide you with a copy of the Complaints Regulations upon request and, if applicable, to point out the possibility of turning to the ombudsman.

The Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards
For cases where, in your or our opinion, an internal resolution of a dispute is not possible, our firm participates in the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards. This option applies to our services in the following cases:
- complaints about the quality of the service;
- claims for damages, with a maximum of €10,000;
- the amount of invoices relating to activities in any field of law;
- invoices submitted by lawyers (without limitation) that have remained (partially) unpaid for whatever reason.
The Dutch courts have jurisdiction over all other disputes.
The complaint regulations of this dispute committee can be obtained from the secretary of this committee:
Postbus 90600
2509 LP Den Haag

Professional liability
JPR advocaten has taken out a professional liability insurance for the benefit of all professionals working at JPR, which provides coverage of up to €25 million per event where applicable. This insurance was taken out through:
AON Risk Solutions
Postbus 12250
1100 AG Amsterdam