Privacy statement

Privacy statement

JPR advocaten processes personal data as part of its (legal) services. Furthermore, personal data are processed by JPR advocaten as soon as you use our website. Because we process personal data for our own purposes and means, we are considered responsible for that data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter: GDPR).

For more information or questions about our privacy statement, you can contact us at:
JPR advocaten
Mr. H.F. de Boerlaan 34
7417 DB Deventer
+31 (0)88 61 60 010

This privacy statement applies to all (legal) services as well as the JPR website. We are not responsible for the privacy statements of other sites and sources mentioned on our website.

Basic principle of processing personal data
The confidential and careful handling of data, and personal data in particular, is of paramount importance to us. As such, it goes without saying that we process your personal data in compliance with the GDPR. We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it. In principle, we will not share your personal data with third parties. If for any reason we need to share your personal data with third parties, we will mention this in our privacy statement or we will contact you later with this information.

Why we process your personal data
We process the personal data listed below exclusively for the purposes listed below:

  • Provision of legal services, including the execution of contracts, as well as litigation, advice, and mediation;
  • Keeping you updated on legal developments;
  • Keeping our records, which in any case includes the collection of declarations;
  • To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • Developing and maintaining marketing and communication activities, such as monthly newsletters, invitations to lunch meetings, and events;
  • For our recruitment and selection procedures in connection with job applications.

Which personal data we process
As part of our services or because you have provided this data to us, we process a wide variety of personal information. This may include regular as well as unique, personal data:

  • Name, address, city
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Chamber of Commerce number
  • VAT number
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • ID number
  • Medical information
  • Marital status
  • Family structure

We process the above personal data because it was provided by you on your own initiative, obtained in the course of providing services, made known to us by third parties, including counterparties, or became known through public sources.

On what basis do we process your personal data?
We process the personal data referred to above only on the basis of the grounds referred to below in Article 6 of the GDPR:

  • legal obligation
  • performance of a contract
  • consent given by you
  • legitimate interest

With whom we share personal data
In principle, we do not share your personal data with third parties. However,
it may happen that, in order to perform our services, we have to do so. This may involve, for example, the deputising for another lawyer in the practice, the performance of an expert examination, or the engagement of another third party on behalf of and at the instruction of JPR advocaten, such as an IT supplier, but also the provision of your personal data in connection with (legal) proceedings or correspondence with the other party. We do not sahre personal information with counties outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

In addition, we may provide personal data to a third party, such as a regulator or another body vested with public authority, to the extent that there is a legal obligation to do so.

A processing agreement will be concluded with the third party that processes your personal data on behalf of and at the instruction of JPR advocaten, obliging that third party to comply with the GDPR as well. Third parties engaged by JPR advocaten, which offer services as processors, are themselves responsible for compliance with the GDPR for the (further) processing of your personal data. This could include accountants, notaries, or other third parties engaged for the purpose of obtaining a second opinion or an expert report.

Furthermore, we ensure that internally, access to your personal data is only granted to people who have a professional reason to access it as part of their job. Naturally, all of our employees are bound by a confidentiality agreement.

How long we keep your personal data
We do not keep records of your personal data for longer than is necessary for the aforementioned purposes, or as required by laws and regulations or by our insurer. Our insurer demands that we keep our client files for twenty years. 

You have subscribed to the newsletter
Part of our service is sending you newsletters to keep you informed of developments in legislation and case law, or inviting you to lunch meetings or similar events. When you sign up for a newsletter via the website, we only process personal data necessary to send you the newsletter. Every newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe. You can also unsubscribe by contacting JPR advocaten at marketing@jpr.nl or use the contact details at the top of this privacy statement.

How do we ensure the security of your personal data?
We ensure that appropriate technical and organisational measures are taken to protect the personal data you provide from loss or any form of unlawful use. Our data is protected using encryption methods and we employ comprehensive backups. All our employees use multi-factor authentication to access their accounts. For more information, please contact us.

Website visits and cookies
When you visit our website, the technical characteristics of your visit are recorded in what are known as log files. These include the requested page, IP address, time, browser type, and so on. We do not track who uses which IP address at any given time and therefore cannot trace this data back to you personally. These log files are kept exclusively for analysis purposes and for a maximum of 12 months. For more information on the use of cookies, please refer to our cookie statement.

Your rights relative to your personal data
The privacy legislation provides you with a number of rights:

  1. The right to be informed (receipt of privacy statement)
  2. The right to access (except to the personal notes of the data controller)
  3. The right to rectification, supplementation, deletion, or blocking (only of factual data)
  4. The right to object
  5. The right to data portability
  6. The right to be forgotten
  7. The right to restrict processing of personal data
  8. The right to withdraw previously given consent

Should you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please let us know using the contact details above. You will receive a reply from us within four weeks of receiving your request.

We will try to comply with your requests whenever possible. However, it is possible that circumstances may arise that prevent us from fulfilling your request or from fulfilling it in full. These include, for example, our lawyers’ duty of confidentiality and statutory retention periods. To safeguard your privacy and to ensure that any data are provided to the right person, we may ask you to submit a copy of a valid passport, driving licence, or identity card with a protected passport photo and BSN number for verification purposes. Naturally, we will only process requests that relate to your own personal data.

If you have a complaint
If, despite our efforts, you feel that we have processed your personal data in an inaccurate or unlawful manner or that we have not responded sufficiently to your request, you can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Of course, we hope that you will first turn to us so that we can resolve the matter personally and in the best possible way.

Can this privacy statement be amended?
Changes in legislation or our internal processes may lead to changes in our privacy statement. We will always have the most up-to-date version on our website.

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